Working Around Errors With Free
In the course of writing most any program your liable to run into two main categories of errors. Those caused by forces within your control, and those caused by forces without.
The Unavoidable
These are things outside of your control, dropped database connections, improperly configured configuration files, etc… Each of these is by nature a permanent failure since there is no effective way for the application to recover the lost functionality. As such these are the errors that tend to cause a program to fail, and now handling can prevent.
The Recoverable
Then there are the logical errors which are introduced by edge-cases in your own programs logic. For instance, the accidental deletion of a user during an active session, causing an expected resource to be unavailable. While these errors could be solved by simply bubbling up an error, they are also in some manner avoidable - they must be, since they are in some manner caused by the programs logic.
Recoverable errors are much more favorable than unavoidable errors for the simple reason that they allow us to extend functionality rather than limit it. For instance, consider the following (rather contrived) example of a user attempting to like a message that has been deleted by another user. We could simply throw an exception,
likeMessage :: (MonadThrow m, Queryable m) => MessageId -> m Message
= either throwError id $ runDb ... likeMessage mId
but this limits our user’s information about what has happened. Instead, we can add in functionality through actively handling our error. Not only does this improve our user’s experience, but also informs the type of our function. It’s potential failure is now entirely obvious:
data ModifyMessageErr = ErrMessageDeleted
likeMessage :: (Queryable m) => MessageId -> m (Either ModifyMessageErr Message)
= either (const ErrMessageDeleted) id $ runDb ... likeMessage mId
Moreover, if other potential failure points exist we can extend the ModifyMessageErr
type as appropriate. Seemingly we have eliminated the potential for an unexpected halt introduced by MonadThrow
, but have we?
Our current recoverable error handling has some issues as well, namely it simply bubbles up the responsibility using Either instead of
. Fortunately both of these problems have a similar solution.
See although we have no introduced some, incredibly basic, handling for a recoverable error, the use of runDb
is inherently IO
based - the database is after all an external concern. Therefore, it too has the potential to fail, and hence it’s easy to see that MonadIO m => Queryable m
. Ideally, we would write our program, free of worry as to the condition of the database or our message. But how do we do this?
Pushing Back Responsibility
Consider what our function most basically needs to do, operate in some manner on a message object. It doesn’t actually need to do know the message id
since it is only working on the object itself. We can encapsulate that functionality and pass it directly to the function, thus freeing likeMessage
from any responsibility other than the logic of incrementing the message.
likeMessage :: Message -> Message
= m { messageLikes = messageLikes m + 1 } likeMessage m
However, likeMessage
can no longer access the database, that responsibility, is now pushed back. Eventually however, there must exist some function, to perform the actual work…
modifyMessage :: MessageId -> (Message -> Message) -> m Message
Now, on first glance, this function must use IO
, and we find ourselves again in the hole we dug in the first place with the Queryable
typeclass. However, we have a trick up our sleeve, the Free
monad. Suppose instead of defining modifyMessage
as a function, we define it as a command,
data QueryCmd next =
ModifyMessage MessageId (Message -> Message) (Maybe Message -> next)
instance Functor QueryCmd where
fmap f (ModifyMessage mId modify getMsg) = ModifyMessage mId modify (f . getMessage)
We can now declare a Free
monad which allows us to build up a chain of these commands, without ever running them.
type QueryM = Free QueryCmd
We can now define modifyMessage
in the context of our Free
modifyMessage :: MessageId -> (Message -> Message) -> QueryM (Maybe Message)
= liftF $ ModifyMessage mId modify id modifyMessage mId modify
The trick here, is the function liftF
which as the function suggests, lifts our command to the Free monad.
liftF :: (Functor f) => f a -> Free f a
The logic here is actually pretty simple, the Free
monad acts as a wrapper which extends the functionality of a functor, Free f a = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r
, and the liftF
function simply places a functor f a
into the chain,
= Free (fmap Pure f) liftF f
Even if the innards of this transformation seem confusing the end result is quite simple to work with, we can transform a functor into a Monad, i.e. modifyMessage
. We can then create an interpreter for QueryM
that is independent of backend implementation. For instance, if we wanted some really basic testing we could use some predetermined values.
run :: QueryM a -> State [(MessageId, Message)] a
Free (ModifyMessage mId updateMessage getMessage)) = do
run (<- gets (lookup mId)
-- If we found the message modify it
$ \ m -> modify (insert mId $ updateMessage m)
forM_ message
-- run next
run (getMessage message)
Now, let’s look at what’s going on here. In this case we are transforming our QueryM
monad (which is effectively a chain of QueryCmd
s) into a State
monad. The logic of our program is now entirely pure, and we can easily create another transformer to IO
using runDb
, but crucially not part of the application logic is at risk from any unavoidable errors since by construction all sideaffectful code is contained within the run
function. Not only is the run
code now explicitly responsible for all external errors, but it can also determine the manner in which we wish to handle internal conflicts with that external conflict. For instance our current definition of ModifyMessage
includes a Maybe Message
indicating that the given message might not exist to be modified. However, had we defined it as simply Message
the responsibility of finding such a message, or throwing and error would be pushed to the interpreter of the QueryM
monad. We might wish to always error in such an event, create a new message, or whichever - but crucially the responsibility for maintaining database consistency now lies with the backend we choose to run our program rather than the programs logic itself.
This is the real benefit of Free
monads, or similar programs like monad-prompt, namely by the choice of commands we effectively separate concerns between the logic of the application and the resolving of inconsistencies with external resources, files, databases, etc.. By making our program execution agnostic we gain fine grained control over exactly which errors should be acceptable and handleable and which are unavoidable and should be the responsibility of the relevant runner.